Accueil > Flash info > Jardin d'anglais Students Ace the Cambridge YLE Test - A Successful First Exam Experience for many!

Jardin d'anglais Students Ace the Cambridge YLE Test - A Successful First Exam Experience for many!

"Fantastic job! Our awesome students between the ages of 7 and 13 have taken the Cambridge YLE test. The program consisted of three parts - Speaking, Listening, and Writing - which lasted for a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes in real exam conditions. And guess what? It was a success! All the children overcame their nerves and left feeling satisfied with their performance. Huge thanks to the two examiners, Karen and Karen, who put the kids at ease with their smiles and kindness, making the face-to-face speaking part a breeze. A big thank you to the Cambridge Assessment English team for their outstanding organization!

Thanks to all the hard work and extra revision hours at the English Garden, our kids were able to approach the exam with confidence and determination. The English Garden team would like to express their gratitude to the parents and children for making this exam day a memorable one!

The official diploma ceremony will be held in october 2023, And this is just the beginning! Next year, students who want to improve their score can retake the test, or if they're motivated and have made significant progress, they can take the higher-level test! Yes, you can do it!

Some comments from parents:
"Thank you to the entire team for your dedication and motivation given to our children. It was an awesome first exam experience!" - Mom of a 7-year-old.

"Thank you for preparing my children. It was a wonderful experience for my girls."
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